

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482

412 Detection of and Response to Identity Theft Red Flags


理由是:  365英国上市官网 (University) shall comply with the applicable requirements of 16 C.F.R. 681, 由联邦贸易委员会(FTC)颁布的一项联邦法规,作为2003年公平准确信贷交易(FACT)法案的一部分,要求金融机构和债权人实施书面程序,提供对可能与身份盗窃有关的特定活动(红旗)的检测和响应.

政策:  The University will implement and provide for the continued administration of programs in relation to:

1. Duties of users regarding address discrepancies.
2. Duties regarding the detection, 防止ion, and mitigation of Identity Theft.
3. Duties of Card Issuers regarding changes of address.

适用范围及适用性:  This policy is applicable to all University faculty and staff.


帐户:  个人与金融机构或债权人为获得个人产品或服务而建立的持续关系, 家庭, 家庭或商业用途. 账户包括:

i.  延长贷款期限, such as the purchase of property or services involving a deferred payment; and
ii.  定期存款帐户.
消费者报告机构:  收集和传播消费者信息的实体是否用于信用评估和某些其他目的.

《365英国上市官网》:  任何书面, 口服, or other communication of any information by a Consumer Reporting Agency bearing on a consumer’s credit worthiness, 信誉, 信贷能力, 字符, 一般的声誉, 个人特征, 使用或预期全部或部分使用或收集的生活方式,以作为确定消费者是否有资格获得以下物品的因素:
i.  Credit or insurance to be used 主要是为了个人, 家庭, 或者家庭用途;
ii.  Employment purposes; or
3.  Any other purpose authorized under US Code: Title 15, 1681b.
i.  An Account that a financial institution or Creditor offers or maintains, 主要是为了个人, 家庭, 或者家庭用途, that involves or is designed to permit multiple payments or transactions, 比如信用卡账户, 抵押贷款, 汽车贷款, 保证金帐户, 手机账户, 公用账户, 支票账户, or savings Account; and
ii.  金融机构或债权人提供或维护的任何其他账户,其对客户或金融机构或债权人的安全与稳健存在合理可预见的身份盗窃风险, 包括金融, 操作, 合规, 声誉, 或者诉讼风险.
债权:  任何人, 公司, government or governmental subdivision or agency, 信任, 房地产, 伙伴关系, 合作, 或者定期扩展的协会, 更新, or continues credit; any person who regularly arranges for the extension, 更新, or continuation of credit; or any assignee of an original Creditor who participates in the decision to extend, 更新, 或者继续赊账.

顾客:  Person that has a covered Account with a financial institution or Creditor.

借记卡:  金融机构发给消费者的用于从消费者在该金融机构的账户中发起电子资金转账的卡, for the purpose of transferring money between Accounts or obtaining money.

  A notice sent to a user by a Consumer Reporting Agency pursuant to 15 U.S.C. 1681c(h)(1), 这告知用户,用户在要求消费者报告时提供的消费者地址与该机构的消费者文件中的地址之间存在实质性差异.

身份盗窃:  A fraud committed or attempted using the identifying information of another person without authority.

红色标记:  A pattern, practice, or specific activity that indicates the possible existence of Identity Theft.

服务提供者:  A person that provides a service directly to the financial institution or Creditor.

信用卡发行商:  Financial institution or Creditor that issues a debit or credit card



Duties of Users Regarding Address Discrepancies

A.  使用消费者报告的大学院系在收到地址不符通知时,会合理地相信该消费者报告与要求报告的消费者有关:

i.  将消费者报告机构提供的消费者报告中的信息与部门提供的信息进行比较:
1.  保存在自己的记录中, 例如应用程序, 更改地址通知, other Customer Account records; or

2.  Obtains from third-party sources; or
ii.  Verifying the information in the consumer report provided by the Consumer Reporting Agency with the consumer.
B.  在下列情况下,使用《365英国上市官网》的大学院系将向收到《365英国上市官网》的消费者报告机构提供一份该院系合理确认无误的消费者地址:
i.  Can form a reasonable belief that the consumer report relates to the consumer about whom the user requested the report;

ii.  Established a continuing relationship with the consumer; and

3.  在正常业务过程中,定期向消费者报告机构提供信息,从该机构获得与消费者有关的地址差异通知.

iv.  The department may reasonably confirm an address is accurate by:
1.  Verifying the address with the consumer about whom it has requested the report;

2.  Reviewing its own records to verify the address of the consumer;

3.  Verifying the address through third-party sources; or

4.  其他合理方式.
v.  如果适用的话, 部门将向消费者报告机构提供其合理确认无误的消费者地址,作为其在与消费者建立关系的报告期内定期提供的信息的一部分.
Duties Regarding the Detection, Prevention, and Mitigation of Identity Theft

A.  大学院系将定期决定他们是否提供或维护覆盖帐户,并作为决定的一部分, 各部门将进行风险评估,以确定其提供或维护的承保账户是否对客户或大学的安全及稳健造成合理可预见的身份盗窃风险, 包括金融, 操作, 合规, 声誉, 或者诉讼风险, 考虑到:
i.  The methods it provides to open its Accounts;

ii.  The methods it provides to access its Accounts; and

3.  Its previous experiences with Identity Theft.
B.  提供或维护有保障帐户的每个大学部门将制定并实施旨在检测的书面程序(“程序”), 防止, 并减少与开立受保账户有关的身份盗窃,这与部门的规模相适应, 复杂性, and the scope of its activities designed to:
i.  Identify relevant Red Flags for the Covered Accounts that the department offers or maintains, and incorporate those Red Flags into its Program;

ii.  Detect Red Flags that have been incorporated into the Program of the department;

3.  Respond appropriately to any Red Flags that are detected to 防止 and mitigate Identity Theft; and
C.  提供或维护有保障帐户的每个大学部门将定期更新其计划,以反映客户以及部门安全与稳健的风险变化,并将:
i.  Involve the President and/or his designees, 在监督发展中, implementation and administration of the Program;

ii.  Train staff, as necessary, to effectively implement the Program; and

3.  Exercise appropriate and effective oversight of Service Provider arrangements.

iv.  Consider guidelines included in Appendix A of 16 C.F.R. 681 and include in its Program those guidelines that are appropriate.
Duties of Card Issuers Regarding Changes of Address

A.  University departments which are Card Issuers, 如果有任何, 会在收到客户的借记卡或信用卡帐户更改地址的通知后,评估地址更改的有效性, 在之后的短时间内(至少在收到该通知后的前30个日历日内), the department receives a request for an additional or replacement card for the same Account.  The department will not issue an additional or replacement card until the department:
i.  通知持卡人有关申请:
1.  At the cardholder’s former address; or

2.  By any other means of communication that the Card Issuer and the cardholder have previously agreed to use; and
ii.  Provides to the cardholder a reasonable means of promptly reporting incorrect address changes; or
1.  Otherwise assesses the validity of the change of address by reasonable means

B.  部门可以在收到地址变更通知后,在收到额外或更换卡的请求之前,通过验证地址来满足前一节的要求.  本署根据上款发出的任何书面或电子通知,应清晰显眼,并应与本署与持卡人的往来信件分开发出.



RED FLAG Identity Theft Protection Program

按照规定, 该大学创建了一个红旗身份盗窃保护计划,其中包括在线培训和培训内容的简短考试.  金融 & Administration strongly recommends that all employees review the training materials and take the exam on an annual basis.


防止身份盗窃计划:请使用NetID及密码登入.  If you have never accessed the training before, enter the code "Enrollme" (case-sensitive) when prompted for the Enrollment key to access the training and test. 
